駆け引きをする 1: 1. use diplomacy 2. use strategy 駆け引きをする 2 bargain about〔~で〕 彼女は買い物上手で値段の駆け引きがうまい: She is a good shopper and a good bargainer as well. 党内の駆け引き: intraparty politics 商売の駆け引き: the tricks of the trade 土壇場の駆け引き: last-minute wheeling and dealing 外交の駆け引き: 1. game of diplomacy 2. give and take of diplomacy 外交上の駆け引き: diplomacy 心理上の駆け引き: war of nerves 派閥間の駆け引き: horse-trading among factions 社内の駆け引き: office politics 議場での駆け引き: parliamentary tactics 選挙戦の駆け引き: electoral politics ぎりぎりの駆け引き: last-minute wheeling and dealing ビジネスの駆け引き: business tactics 大国同士の駆け引き: big-power game