- reach out into the great cosmos
~に手を伸ばす: someone's hand reaches for〔人が〕
下に手を伸ばす: reach down under〔~の〕
前に手を伸ばす: reach forward
方に手を伸ばす: 1. reach into 2. reach one's hand for〔~の〕
裏に手を伸ばす: go behind the scenes
手を伸ばす: 手を伸ばす 1 v. ?◇手を伸ばす (見出しへ戻る headword ? 手) 手を伸ばす 2 v. **reach |自| 【D】 [比喩的にも用いて]〔…を求めて〕手を伸ばす(out)〔for〕《◆ out 以外に伸ばす方向によって down, up, back, forward などの副詞をとる》;(手が)伸びる∥ reach (out [across, over]) for
たばこに手を伸ばす: reach for a cigarette
テーブルの~に手を伸ばす: reach for ~ on the table
悪魔は暇人に手を伸ばす。: Idle time is the devil's plaything.
手を伸ばす 1: 1. extend one's arm〔両手?両腕の場合は arms〕 2. hold out one's arm 3. hold out one's hand 4. reach out a hand 5. reach out with one's hands 6. reach over 手を伸ばす 2 【自動】 1. outreach 2. reach 手を伸ばす 3 【他動】
あいさつのためお互いに手を伸ばす: reach out to greet one another
はしごを登って書棚に手を伸ばす: climb ladder to reach bookshelf
テーブル越しに手を伸ばす: reach across from the table
彼が銃に手を伸ばすと、発砲が始まった: The shooting started when he reached for a gun.
戸棚の一番上の棚に手を伸ばす: reach the top shelf in the cupboard