- display great ingenuity in〔~に〕
偉大な発明の才: sheer ingenuity
発明の才能: 1. inventive faculty 2. inventive genius
非凡な~の才能を示す: show someone one's extraordinary talent of〔人に〕
音楽の才能を示す: demonstrate a talent for music
発明の才能がある: 1. be skillful in invention 2. have a genius for invention 3. have a talent for inventing things 4. have a talent for invention
人類にとって偉大な発明: great invention to mankind
偉大な商才を示す: show great business ability
偉大な手本を示す: set a great example for〔人に〕
有望な才能を示す: show promising ability
非凡な才能を示す: show a remarkable talent for〔~の〕
発明の才: 1. ingenuity 2. inventive brain
偉大な才能: great gift
際立った才能を示す青年: wonder boy
人類にとって偉大な発明品: great invention to mankind
人間の発明の才: human ingenuity