偏見を抱く: conceive a prejudice against〔~に〕
偏見を持つ: 偏見を持つ v. bias |他|《正式》[通例 be ~ed]〔…に対し〕偏見を持つ〔toward, against〕∥ be biased against him 彼に偏見を抱いている prejudice |他| 【S】 [SVO1 against [in favor of] O2](人?物?事が)O2(人?物?事)に対してO1(人)に(理由なく)偏見を持たせる[えこひいきさせる]
bでaを築く: build A as an extension of B
ダムを築く: 1. build a dam 2. construct a dam
人山を築く: lots of people gather
人脈を築く: build one's network of contacts
体制を築く: construct a structure to〔~する〕
信頼を築く: build up trust
協調を築く: establish alliances with〔~との〕
友情を築く: build a friendship
台座を築く: erect a dais
合意を築く: forge consensus
名声を築く: 1. build one's name 2. build up a reputation for oneself 3. build up a solid reputation 4. establish one's fame
国家を築く: found a state
国軍を築く: build a national military