bring about a cease-fire and immediate implementation of the plan
迅速な利益をもたらすことを約束する: promise someone a quick payoff〔人に〕 迅速な報酬をもたらすことを約束する: promise someone a quick payoff〔人に〕 迅速な酸中和作用をもたらす: provide fast acid-neutralizing action 計画の実行: 1. execution of a plan 2. implementation of the plan 社会的および経済的混乱をもたらす: bring social and economic chaos 組織的な偽装計画の疑いをもたらす: raise the suspicion of an organized camouflage attempt 良き労働慣行をもたらす: bring good working practices to〔~に〕 地域漁業および海運活動に危害をもたらす: harm the regional fishing industry and maritime freight activities をもたらす: をもたらす lead to[化学] ~をもたらす: bring ~ someone's way〔人に〕 停戦の実行を監視する: police a cease-fire 迅速な実行を奨励する: encourage speedy implementation of 行動計画の実行: implementation of the action plan 計画の実行可能性: feasibility of a project 一時的な停戦協定をもたらす: bring about a temporary truce