1. health growth 2. healthy growth 3. sound growth
entering the heisei period (1989 and later ) after the bubble economy busted , many retail sake shops still exist in various areas that have continued healthy growth through the following efforts: trying to survive as ' a shop specialized in liquor ' that is the essential function of sakaya as a retail sake shop , and limiting the products to be sold but adding values to the products through accumulating information about the products . バブル崩壊後、平成時代に入ってからは、小売酒販店として酒屋本来の領分である「酒の専門店」として生き残りを図り、販売する品目を限定するかわりに、商品に関する情報を蓄えることで付加価値をつけ、健全な成長を続けている酒屋が各地に存在する。
健全な成長率: healthy rate of growth 健全な成長を祈る: pray for someone's healthy growth〔人の〕 健全な成長軌道: sound growth track 健全な成長を妨げる: hinder the healthy growth of〔~の〕 心身共に健全な成長: sound growth both physically and mentally 完全な成長: full growth オンラインセールスの健全な成長: healthy growth for online sales 豊かで健全な成長を可能にする: enable the enriched and robust growth of〔~の〕 身長と体重の健全な成長曲線: healthy growth curve of height and weight 不完全な成長: faulty growth 健全な成長および安定指向のマクロ経済政策: sound growth- and stability-oriented macroeconomic policies 持続的な成長を促進する健全な政策を堅持する: adhere to sound policies that promote sustainable growth 健全な経済成長: healthy growth of the economy 健全な基盤に基づく成長: soundly-based growth 健全な経済成長を望む: hope for healthy growth of the economy