所要の経済および金融政策の変更を行う: make necessary economic and financial policy changes 適切な財政および金融政策の実施: implementation of appropriate fiscal and monetary policy 経済および金融崩壊のリスクを削減する: reduce the risk of economic and financial disruptions 経済および金融面の先行きに対する懸念: doubts about the economic and financial outlook 健全な経済政策: sound economic policy 所要の経済および財政政策の変更を行う: make necessary economic and financial policy changes 最近の経済および金融危機によって深刻な影響を受ける: be seriously affected by the recent economic and financial crises 健全な成長および安定指向のマクロ経済政策: sound growth- and stability-oriented macroeconomic policies 金融政策の中立性: neutrality of monetary policy 金融政策の変更: 1. alteration of financial policy 2. relaxation of the monetary policy 金融政策の復活: revival of monetary policy 金融政策の道具: tools of monetary policy 不健全な経済: sick economy 環境問題に敏感な経済および社会を築く: build an economy and society which are sensitive to environmental concerns 長期的な経済および労働市場の便益を生み出す: produce long-term economic and labor market benefits