- principles of sound investment practice
不健全投資: unsound investment
健全投資: sound investment
投資の基本原則: root principles of investment
安全投資: 1. risk-free [riskless] investment 2. safe investment
完全投資: full investment
投資の基本原則の整備: upgrading the ground rules for investment
投資の失敗の原因となる: lead to a failed investment
投資成功のための原則: principle of successful investing
環境保全投資額: 環境保全投資額 investment for environment conservation
先行投資の: 【形】 up-front
投資の伸び: investment growth
投資の処分: divestiture of investment
投資の分散: portfolio diversification
投資の削減: reduced investment
投資の回収: return of investment