- send (one's) kind personal regards and best wishes to〔人の〕
退職後の多幸と健康を心から祈る: extend [offer, give] one's sincere best wishes for a happy and healthy retirement
成功を心から祈る: pray with all one's heart for the success of〔~の〕
今後の幸運と多幸を祈る: extend to someone all good fortune and happiness for the future〔人の〕
末永い健勝と多幸を祈る: extend one's very best wishes for someone's continued health and happiness〔人の〕
ますますの繁栄を心から祈る: extend one's sincere wishes for the continuing prosperity of〔人の〕
再び打ち勝つことを心から祈る: sincerely hope someone will overcome again〔人が〕
再び病気に打ち勝つことを心から祈る: sincerely hope someone will overcome again〔人が〕
多幸を祈る: 1. offer one's best wishes to 2. wish someone much joy〔人の〕
祝辞を述べるとともに今後の成功を心から祈る: offer one's congratulations and sincere best wishes for someone's future success〔人に〕
今後の(人)の事業での活躍と多幸を祈る: wish someone the best of luck in continuing in the business he is devoted to
ご多幸を祈る: best wishes
健康と幸福を祈る: wish for the health and happiness of〔人の〕
ますますの多幸を祈る: wish someone much continued good fortune〔人の〕
末永い幸せを心から祈っているということを(人)に伝える: convey someone's sincerest wishes to someone for a long and happy new life〔人が〕
を心から願う: 1. earnestly hope that 2. genuinely hope that〔that以下〕