健康的に暮らす: live well 一緒に暮らすために~に出て行く: go up to ~ to live with〔人と〕 家族がぜいたくに暮らすために働く: work for a good living for one's family 一番の秘けつ: main key to〔~のための〕 幸せに暮らすために必要な援助を与える: provide the support that someone need to live happy〔人が〕 幸せに暮らすために必要な援助を提供する: provide the support that someone need to live happy〔人が〕 幸せに暮らすために必要な支援を与える: provide the support that someone need to live happy〔人が〕 幸せに暮らすために必要な支援を提供する: provide the support that someone need to live happy〔人が〕 金もうけの秘けつ: 1. secret of how to make money 2. secret of making money 湿らすためのもの: damper 湿らすための道具: damper 照らすための器具: apparatus for illuminating〔~を〕 共に暮らす: live together 楽に暮らす: 楽に暮らす らくにくらす to live in comfort 都会に住む子どもたちと一緒に暮らすために出て行く: move out to join one's children living in urban areas