it's not like a suicidal guy would worry about staying in shape . 自殺する人間が 健康を気遣うとは思えない
it's not like a suicidal guy would worry about staying in shape . 自殺する人間が 健康を気遣うとは思えない
you could take care of your health 健康を気遣うこと あるいは
it means caring health of others in the hottest season of the year . 一年で最も暑い時期に、相手の健康を気遣うことである。
健康を気遣っている: be solicitous about someone's health〔人の〕 失敗を気遣う: have some apprehension of failure 無事を気遣う: feel concern for someone's safety〔人の〕 生活を気遣う: show concern for the welfare of〔人の〕 身辺を気遣う: worry about one's (personal) safety 安否を気遣う 1: worry about one's (personal) safety 安否を気遣う 2 1. be apprehensive for someone's safety 2. feel alarmed for someone's safety 3. feel anxiety for someone's safety 4. have fears for someone's safety〔人の〕安否を気遣う〔人の〕: 【動】 fear for someone's life アメリカを気遣う女性: Concerned Women for America〔 【略】 CWA〕 人質の安否を気遣う: be anxious about the hostage's safety 安否を気遣う気持ち: concern for someone's safety〔人の〕 家族の安否を気遣う: worry about the welfare of one's family 気遣う: 気遣う きづかう to worry about to feel anxious about to have apprehensions of 気遣う 1: 1. bite one's nails 2. have some apprehensions 3. sweat bullets 気遣う 2 【形】 1. caring 2. solicitous 3. tender 気遣う 3 【自動】 care 気遣う 4 【他動】 concern 気遣う 5 give consideration to〔~に〕 気遣う 6 1. app気遣うこと: concern for〔~を〕 自分の健康を気にする: worry over one's health