- Medical considerations are forcing someone to retire from
健康上の理由から仮釈放中で: in prison release for medical reasons
国防上の理由から: for national security reasons
防犯上の理由から: in the interests of crime prevention
健康上の理由で: 1. for health reasons 2. for reasons of health 3. on health grounds
種々の理由から: for many [various] reasons
財政面の理由から: for fiscal reasons
健康上の理由で引退する: retire on medical grounds
健康上の理由で退位する: abdicate a throne for health reasons
健康上の理由で退学する: drop out of one's school for health reasons
健康上の理由で退職する: 1. retire for health reasons 2. retire from business because of poor health
健康上の理由で~に帰る: return to ~ for reasons concerned with one's health
保安上の理由から~をたびたび変更する: frequently vary ~ for security reasons
契約から退く: withdraw from engagement
御前から退く: retire from the royal presence
政府から退く: resign from the government