- copy of health insurance card
健康保険証: 1. health insurance ID card 2. health insurance card
国民健康保険証: 1. national health insurance card 2. national health insurance certificate
健康保険: 健康保険 けんこうほけん health insurance
健康保険医: 健康保険医 けんこうほけんい health insurance doctor
健康保険料: 1. health insurance expense 2. health insurance premium
健康保険法: 健康保険法 けんこうほけんほう the Health Insurance Act
受付で健康保険証を提出する: present one's health insurance certificate to a receptionist
送り状と保険証券の写しを添付致します: Attached are copies of the invoice and insurance policy.
任意健康保険: 1. personally-acquired insurance 2. private health insurance 3. voluntary health insurance
個人健康保険: individual health insurance
健康保険制度: 健康保険制度 けんこうほけんせいど health insurance system
健康保険組合: 1. corporate health insurance society 2. health insurance association 3. health insurance society 4. health insurance union 5. society of health insurance
健康保険薬価: National Health Insurance Price〔 【略】 NHI price〕
医療健康保険: medical and health insurance
商業健康保険: commercial health insurance