健康危険度評価: health risk assessment 健康危機: 1. health crisis 2. health risk 喫煙による健康危機を避ける: avoid the health risks of smoking 伝染病の発生を含んだ大規模な健康危機: large health crisis including an outbreak of infectious disease 太り過ぎによる健康危機を理解している: know the health risks of being overweight 健康に危険である: 1. be a risk to health 2. be dangerous to health 3. be hazardous to health 喫煙による健康危機に関する情報が入手できない: have no access to information on the health risks of tobacco use 難民たちが陥っている重大な健康危機を警告する: warn of a major health crisis of refugees 健康を危険にさらす: take a chance with someone's health〔人の〕 健康: 健康 けんこう health sound wholesome 人々の健康と安全を危険にさらす: jeopardize the health and safety of people 人間の健康に危険をもたらす: cause a hazard to human health 人間の健康への深刻な危険: serious risk to human health 健康に深刻な危険をもたらす: seriously endanger one's health 健康を危険にさらすような行動を取る: adopt a health risk behavior