夕食を食べる: 1. do the dinner thing 2. eat supper
夜食を食べること: midnight raid on the fridge
昼食を食べる 1: 1. do the lunch thing 2. have lunch〔 【注意】 lunch に the を付ける必要はない〕 3. take lunch 昼食を食べる 2 【自動】 lunch
朝食を食べる 1: do the breakfast thing 朝食を食べる 2 【自動】 breakfast
機内食を食べる: have an in-flight meal
おいしい夕食を食べる: have a good dinner
ぐずぐずと夕食を食べる: dawdle through dinner
ダラダラと夕食を食べる: dawdle through dinner
一緒に夕食を食べる: have dinner with〔人と〕
大急ぎで昼食を食べる: bolt (down) one's lunch
大急ぎで朝食を食べる: bolt (down) one's breakfast
急いで朝食を食べる: hurry through breakfast
昼食を食べる暇がない: have no time for lunch
給食を食べた。: I ate the school lunch.
毎日~を食べる: 1. eat ~ on a daily basis 2. never miss a day without