use false information to gain money for terrorist organizations
テロ組織の資金調達能力を阻む: impede the ability of terrorist organizations to raise funds テロ組織の資産凍結: freezes on the assets of terrorist organizations テロ組織への資金調達: funding for terrorist networks 多くの情報を得る: get much information about〔~について〕 …についての情報を得るために~を参照する: refer to ~ for information about …についての情報を得るために~を調べる: refer to ~ for information about ラジオで~についての情報を得る: listen to the radio for information on 参照して…についての情報を得る: refer to ~ for information about〔~を〕 調べて…についての情報を得る: refer to ~ for information about〔~を〕 テロ組織の資産を凍結する: freeze the assets of terrorist organizations テロ組織の拠点: base of a terrorist organization テロ組織への資金の流れを断つ: cut the flow of funding to terrorist organizations テロ組織への資金の流れを遮る: cut off the financial flow to terrorist organizations テロ組織への資金の流入を防止する: prevent the financing of terrorist organizations 国際テロ組織への資金の流れを断つ: shut off the flow of money to international terrorist organizations