不服の申し立て: 1. filing of complaint 2. statement of disagreement
公式の申し立て: formal complaint〔民事の〕
削除の申し立て: motion to strike《法律》
忌避の申し立て 1: motion for refusal 忌避の申し立て 2 motion for challenge《法律》
有罪の申し立て: plea of guilty
未解決の申し立て: unsettled claim
棄却の申し立て: motion to dismiss
検認の申し立て: statement of probate
清算の申し立て: petition for liquidation
無罪の申し立て: plea of "not guilty"
無能力の申し立て: non possumus
異議の申し立て: demurrer
破産の申し立て: petition of bankruptcy
罪状の申し立て: plea〔 【参考】 plea of guilty ; plea of not guilty ; plea of no contest〕《法律》〔公判における被告の〕
苦情の申し立て: lodgment of a complaint