無罪の判決を下す: give a decision of not guilty 有罪の判決を下す〔~に〕: 【他動】 condemn 勝訴の判決を下す: rule in favor of〔~に〕 ~に…の判決を下す: condemn ~ to 状況証拠で(人)に有罪の判決を下す: convict someone on circumstantial evidence 被告が不在で有罪の判決を下す: condemn in absentia 死刑の判決を下す 1: sentence to death 死刑の判決を下す 2 hand down the death penalty to〔人に〕 無期懲役の判決を下す: sentence to life in prison 禁固_年の判決を下す: sentence someone to __ years in prison〔人に〕 判決を下す 1: 1. decide a case 2. give a decision 3. hand down a decision 4. hand down a judgment 5. pronounce a judgment 6. render a decision 7. render a judgment 8. render a verdict 判決を下す 2 【自他動】 decern 判決を下判決を下す〔~に〕: 【他動】 1. adjudicate 2. doom 3. judge 4. sentence 提起した訴訟の判決を下すに当たって: in deciding the case brought by〔人が〕 法律は憲法違反であるとの判決を下す: rule as unconstitutional a law 理非曲直に照らして事件の判決を下す: decide a case on its merits 偽証罪の告発: accusation of perjury