women in the imperial family have the osuberakashi hairstyle as formal attire in addition to wearing juni-hitoe (twelve-layered ceremonial kimono ) when attending traditional ceremonies; furthermore , even ordinary women sometimes wear juni-hitoe and have the hairstyle at wedding ceremonies . 女性皇族が伝統的な儀式に参列する際に十二単と共に礼服とするほか、一般女性でも結婚式の際にやはり十二単と共にこの髪型にすることがある。
the first half of the heian period was an era of straight swords , during which the ornamental sword style which is the form of highest-rank sword mountings was established and adopted when attending ceremonies wearing sokutai (traditional ceremonial court dress ), but such style was only allowed to the highest-ranked kugyo (the top court officials ). 平安時代も前半はまだ直刀の時代で、この時期に最高位の刀剣外装である飾剣様式が完成し、束帯姿で儀式に参列する時などに佩用されたが、上級の公卿にしか使用は許されないものであった。
告別式に参列する: offer one's last respects to someone at a funeral service〔 【直訳】 告別式で(人)に最後の敬意をささげる〕 聖餐式に参列する: take Communion 葬式に参列する 1: 1. attend a funeral 2. pay one's last respects 葬式に参列する 2 attend the funeral service for〔人の〕 家族の葬式に参列する: attend a funeral for a member of one's family 旧友の葬式に参列する: attend a funeral for a longtime friend 肉親の葬式に参列する: attend a funeral for a member of one's family 古い友人の葬式に参列する: attend a funeral for a longtime friend 子どもの卒業式に参列する: attend one's child's graduation 沖縄の全戦没者追悼式に参列する: attend memorial rites for all the Okinawan World War II dead 長年の友人の葬式に参列する: attend a funeral for a longtime friend ミサに参列する: go to mass 礼拝に参列する: attend worship 祝賀に参列する: attend a celebration 葬儀に参列する 1: attend a funeral 葬儀に参列する 2 attend the funeral of〔~の〕 葬儀に参列する 3 attend the funeral service for〔人の〕 家族の葬儀に参列する: attend a funeral for a member of one's family