計画を優先度順に並べる: put [place, arrange] schemes in order of priority 解決すべき問題を優先度順に並べる: put [place, arrange] in order of priority issues to be solved [worked out] そのプロジェクトに関する仕事を優先度順に並べる: put [place, arrange] in order of priority the tasks involved in the project そのプロジェクトに関する作業課題を優先度順に並べる: put [place, arrange] in order of priority the tasks involved in the project 優先度順に: in order of priority 優先度順に項目を並べたリスト: a list of items in order of priority ページ順に並べる: 【他動】 collate 単語をabc順に並べる: list words in alphabetical order 大小の順に並べる: arrange according to size 年代順に並べる: arrange ~ chronologically〔~を〕 時間順に並べる: order ~ in time〔~を〕 番号順に並べる: arrange ~ in numerical sequence〔~を〕 連番の順に並べる: order [collate] ~ serial number〔~を〕 書類をページ順に並べる: 1. arrange files according to page number 2. order [collate] the documents by page 本を大きさの順に並べる: range the books by size