poets in each team create poems , which are compared every match and see whose work is better . 歌人の詠んだ歌を一番ごとに比べて優劣を争う。
優劣を競う: struggle [vie for] mastery 優劣を試す: 優劣を試す v. measure |他|…を〔…と〕比較する, 〔…との〕優劣を試す〔with, against〕 (見出しへ戻る headword ? 優劣) 競う〔優劣を〕: 【自動】 vie ~を争う: jostle with someone for〔人と〕 優劣をなくす: 優劣をなくす v. make odds even. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 優劣) 優劣を決める: determine relative merits 優劣を論じる: discuss the merits aとbの優劣を試す: measure A (up) against B 優劣をなくする: make odds even 一分を争う: 一分を争う v. fight minutes (見出しへ戻る headword ? 一分) 一刻を争う: 一刻を争う いっこくをあらそう to race against time 一秒を争う: seconds count 優勝を争う: 優勝を争う ゆうしょうをあらそう to contend for victory 先を争う 1: 1. fall over one another [each other] 2. rival for priority 3. rival someone for priority 4. try to be first 先を争う 2 fall over one another [each other] to〔~しようと〕 先手を争う: vie to gain the initiative in〔~の〕