achieve sustainable growth in developed and developing countries alike
発展途上国における医療を改善する: improve healthcare in developing countries 持続的成長を実現する: realize a sustained growth 発展途上国における子どもの主な死因: major childhood killer in developing countries 発展途上国における感染症予防: prevention of infectious diseases in the developing countries 民間需要主導の持続的な経済成長を実現する: bring about sustainable economic growth driven by private demand 全世界の先進国および開発途上国が直面する経済問題: economic problems faced by both developed and developing countries throughout the world 持続的経済成長を実現する: achieve sustained economic growth led by〔~による〕 開発途上国における安定的な経済発展: stable economic progress in developing countries ニューエコノミーにおける成長を実現する: realize growth in new economy 持続的な成長を維持する: be on a steady growth path 目下のところ発展途上国における主要な関心事である: be now major concerns in developed countries 先進国と発展途上国間の大きな溝: significant division existing between industrial nations and developing states 開発途上国における成長の見通し: prospects for growth in the developing countries 先進国における利下げ: reduction in interest rates in industrialized countries 民需主導の確実な成長を実現する: realize steady private-sector-led growth