- allow the light to propagate in only one clearly defined path
光伝送経路が一つに決まっている: allow the light to propagate in only one clearly defined path
光伝送経路が一意に決まる: allow the light to propagate in only one clearly defined path
光伝送経路が一意に決まっている: allow the light to propagate in only one clearly defined path
伝送経路遅延: transmission path delay
データ伝送経路形式: data transmittal and routing form
光伝送: 光伝送 optical transmission[基礎]
本採用に決まる: pass one's probation
一つにまとまる: speak with one voice
光伝送する: encode electrical signals onto optical beams
光伝送作用: 光伝送作用 piping action[化学]
光伝送実験: optical transmission experiment
光伝送性: 光伝送性 light-piping[化学]; piping[化学]
光伝送線路: optical transmission line
光伝送繊維: 光伝送繊維 light transmitting fiber[化学]
光伝送装置: optical transmission device