- reverse the modernization of the party
近代化に専念する: dedicate oneself to modernization
近代化に成功する: succeed in modernizing
核の近代化: nuclear modernization
軍の近代化: military modernization
努力に逆行する: run counter to the efforts to〔~する〕
大勢に逆行する: swim [go, run] against the tide [current] (of the times)
時代に逆行する: 1. go against the times 2. row against the current [stream] 3. row against the flood 4. row against the tide 5. row against the wind 6. run counter to the times 7. turn back the clock 8. turn the cl
時勢に逆行する: swim [go, run] against the tide [current] (of the times)
時流に逆行する: swim [go, run] against the tide [current] (of the times)
流れに逆行する: swim [go, run] against the tide [current] (of the times)
中国の近代化: modernization of China
会計の近代化: modernization of accounting
四つの近代化: four modernizations〔中国の農業?工業?国防?科学技術を近代化を目指して周恩来首相が掲げた国家的スローガン(1975年)〕
流通の近代化: distribution modernization
経済の近代化: economic modernization