offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ people through the door
回答者のうち先着_人に景品を提供する: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ respondents〔調査や広告などの〕 入場者のうち先着_人に景品を渡す: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ people through the door チケット購入者のうち先着_人に景品を提供する: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ ticket buyers 先着入場者_人に景品を提供する: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ people through the door 入場者先着_人に景品を提供する: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ people through the door 回答者のうち先着_人に景品を渡す: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ respondents〔調査や広告などの〕 チケット購入者のうち先着_人に景品を渡す: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ ticket buyers 先着回答者_人に景品を提供する: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ respondents〔調査や広告などの〕 回答者先着_人に景品を提供する: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ respondents〔調査や広告などの〕 契約者先着_人に景品を提供する: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ people who signed up 新規契約者先着_人に景品を提供する: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ people who signed up 新規申込者先着_人に景品を提供する: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ people who signed up 申込者先着_人に景品を提供する: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ people who signed up チケットの先着購入者_人に景品を提供する: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ ticket buyers チケット購入者先着_人に景品を提供する: offer [give away] a free gift to the first __ ticket buyers