- call for (a) cessation of all nuclear testing
核実験停止: testing moratorium
即時停止を要求する: demand the immediate suspension of〔~の〕
核実験停止協定: test ban
軍事行為の即時停止を要求する: demand an immediate end to the campaign
核実験の停止を確保する: assure the cessation of nuclear testing
核実験停止期限を延長する: extend the moratorium on nuclear-weapons testing
全面核実験禁止条約交渉: negotiations on a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty
核実験の全面停止: cessation of all nuclear tests
~を要求する: demand ~ from [of]〔人から〕
核実験の一時停止を発表する: announce a moratorium on the nuclear-testing program
核実験の停止を求める: demand the cessation of nuclear testing
全面核実験禁止に向けた進展: progress toward a comprehensive nuclear test ban
…に~を要求する: request ~ from
金を要求する: 1. ask someone for money 2. demand money from [of] 3. make a demand for money on / make a demand on someone for money〔人に〕
全面的な見直しを要求する: demand a full-fledged revision