- work for the benefit of the public
公共の利益のために: 1. pro bone publico〈ラテン語〉 2. pro bono publico〈ラテン語〉
公共のために働く: labor for public ends
公益のために働く: 1. work for the common good 2. work for the general good 3. work to the public's benefit
~の利益のために: 1. for the good of 2. to the benefit of
人類の利益のために: for the benefit of humanity
党の統一の利益のために: in the interest of party unity
公衆衛生の利益のために: in the interest of public health
共同の利益のために: in the common interest
双方の利益のために: to mutual benefit
目先の利益のために: 1. for a short-term gain 2. for one's own immediate benefit
社会の利益のために: in the interests of the community
自分の利益のために言う: say on one's behalf
長期の利益のために: for long-term gain
公共的な関係の利益のために~をあきらめる: put aside in the interest of public relations
利益のために: 1. for the sake of 2. in the interest of 3. on account of〔~の〕