首つり自殺: 1. hanging oneself 2. necking 3. suicide by hanging 首つり自殺する: hang up 反応を待たずに: without waiting for someone's reaction〔人の〕 返事を待たずに: without waiting for an answer 首つり自殺をした者の家では、「縄」という言葉を口にしてはいけない。: Name not a rope, in his house that hanged himself. 調査結果を待たずに: without waiting for the outcome of an investigation 待たずに: without waiting for〔~を〕 彼は1950年に自殺した: He took his life in 1950. いじめから逃れるために首つり自殺をする: hang oneself to escape from bullying レースが終わるのを待たずに: rather than waiting [wait] until after the race was over 千秋楽を待たずに優勝を決める: win the tournament before the final day《相撲》 連立の合意を待たずに決定を行う: make decisions without waiting for a coalition consensus 選挙が終わるのを待たずに: rather than waiting [wait] until after the election was over 自殺した: 【形】 self-slaughtered 応答が主題の完結を待たずに現れる構成: 【名?形】 stretto