- decrease the salary and retirement allowance levels of civil servants
公務員の最高水準の給与: the highest salary in government service
公務員の給与: public servants' salaries
国家公務員の給与の引き上げ: raise of government employees' wages
相当の退職手当: substantial retirement allowance
退職手当を引き下げる: lower retirement allowances of〔~の〕
退職手当: 1. redundancy payment 2. retirement allowance 3. retirement benefit 4. retirement benefits 5. separation allowance 6. separation package 7. termination benefit
給与水準の引き上げ: raising of the pay standard
実効法人税率の引き下げを行う: lower the effective corporate tax rate
課税最低所得の引き下げを行う: lower the minimum level of taxable income
公務員給与: salaries for civil servants
年金給付水準の引き下げ: lowering pension benefit levels
公務員の: 【形】 civil-service
退職手当規則: 1. severance benefit regulation 2. severance regulation
価格の引下げ: write-off
税率の引下げ: reduction of taxes related to〔~の〕