cut the (official) discount rate from __% to __% a year
公定歩合を引き下げる: 1. cut in interest rates 2. cut one's discount rate 3. lower the (official) discount rate 公定歩合引き下げ: 1. discount rate cut 2. lowering the official discount rate 協調介入に続いて公定歩合を_%引き下げ史上最低の_%とする: follow the joint action with a __-point reduction of the official discount rate to an all-time-low of __% 史上最低の_%まで公定歩合を下げる: slash the official discount rate to a historical low of __% 公定歩合を下げる: chop the discount rate 公定歩合をさらに引き上げる: nudge interest rates higher still 公定歩合を引き上げる: raise the official discount rate 日本銀行は公定歩合を史上最低の0.5パーセントにまで引き下げた: The bank of Japan cut its official discount rate to a record low of 0.5%. 価格を_ドルに引き下げる: bring the price down to 年率_%の公定歩合: official discount rate of __% per annum 実効税率を現行の_%から_%程度に引き下げる: reduce the effective tax rate from the current __% to around __% 連邦所得税の最低課税率を_%から_%に引き下げる: cut the bottom rate of federal income tax from __% to __% 公定歩合を_%に据え置いて景気の下支えをする: support the economy by leaving the official discount rate at __% _歳から_歳に定年年齢を引き下げる: lower the retirement age from __ to __ 公定歩合の大幅な引き下げが経済の成長を促進した: A broad cut in the interest rate brought an acceleration of economic growth.