- aversion to sitting on public toilet seats
公衆トイレの掃除: latrine cleaning
公衆トイレ: 1. comfort station〈米〉〔婉曲的表現〕 2. cottage〈性俗〉 3. pissoir 4. public comfort station 5. public convenience 6. public lavatory 7. public restroom 8. sanitary
公衆トイレの一区画: stall
公衆トイレの見回りを担当する警官: crapper dick〈俗〉
トイレの便座を下に戻しておく: leave the toilet seat in the down position
判決を確定させることへの抵抗が強い: strongly resist accepting the court's ruling as final
女性用公衆トイレ: ladies room
男性用公衆トイレ: 1. gents' 2. men's room
公衆トイレ内の泥棒: 1. donegan worker 2. donigan slicker
いすに腰掛ける: 1. perch oneself on a chair 2. sit in a chair 3. sit on a chair
ベッドに腰掛ける: sit on the bed
ベンチに腰掛ける: sit down on a bench
川の縁に腰掛ける: sit on the margin of a river
木の叉に腰掛ける: sit in the fork of a tree
窓辺に腰掛ける: sit on a windowsill