- give common logos and almost identical names
偽の名前を使う: use the fake name
虚偽の名前を使う: take a fictitious name
ほとんど同じ: 1. almost the same 2. most of the same 3. much the same
結婚前の名前を使う: use one's premarital name
それは私の場合とほとんど同じです: That's about the same for me.
登録開始とほとんど同時に満員になる: fill up almost as soon as registration opens
狼と犬のdna構成はほとんど同一である: The DNA makeup of wolves and dogs is almost identical.
ほとんど同じだ: be pretty much the same
ほとんど同じで: as near as dammit〈俗〉
ほとんど同意の語: close synonym
ほとんど同時に: 1. almost at the same time 2. at almost the same time 3. in the same breath
登録するために(人)の名前を使う: use the name of someone to register someone as〔~として〕
ほとんど同じである: 1. be almost a carbon copy of 2. be exactly similar 3. be virtually the same ほとんど同じである。 There is not much to choose between
ほとんど同じである。: There is not much to choose between ほとんど同じである 1. be almost a carbon copy of 2. be exactly similar 3. be virtually the same
あなたと私には共通の趣味がほとんどない: You and I have few interests in common.