arrest someone on suspicion of inflicting bodily harm that resulted in the death of the __-year-old son of his common-law wife
保護責任者遺棄致死の疑いで(人)を逮捕する: charge someone with negligence as guardians resulting in death 大麻取締法違反の疑いで(人)を逮捕する: arrest someone on suspicion of violating the Cannabis Control Law 放火と殺人の疑いで(人)を逮捕する: arrest someone on suspicion of arson and murder 死体遺棄の疑いで(人)を逮捕する: arrest someone on suspicion of abandoning someone's body〔人の〕 監禁した疑いで(人)を逮捕する: arrest someone on suspicion of confining〔~を〕 軍事機密を提供した疑いで(人)を逮捕する: arrest someone on suspicion of passing military secrets to〔~に〕 総会屋に金を支払ったとして(人)を逮捕する: nab someone for paying off corporate extortionist _歳の容疑者を逮捕する: arrest the __-year-old suspect 殺人の疑いで逮捕する: capture someone on suspicion of murder〔人を〕 ~所持の疑いで逮捕する: arrest on suspicion of possessing 筋肉弛緩剤を注入して殺そうとした疑いで元看護師を逮捕する: arrest a former nurse on suspicion of attempted murder for intravenously administering a muscle relaxant to〔人に〕 テロの疑いがある移民を逮捕する: arrest immigrants suspected of terrorism 容疑で(人)を逮捕する: arrest someone on suspicion of〔~の〕 (警官が)(人)を逮捕する: feel someone's collar 情報漏えいの疑いで逮捕する: arrest someone on suspicion of having divulged classified information〔人を〕