pass different types of instruments through a small channel in the endoscope
内視鏡内の細い管を通してさまざまなタイプの器具を挿入する: pass different types of instruments through a small channel in the endoscope その監督はいろいろなタイプの映画を制作している。: The director has made lots of different types of films. いろいろなタイプの~と混じりあう: interact with all different types of〔他の〕 小さな切開を通して~に管を挿入する: be insert a tube into ~ through a small incision 腹部の壁を通して胃に管を挿入する: insert a tube through the abdominal wall into the stomach 管を挿入する: put a tube in 膣壁を通して骨盤腔内に針を挿入する: insert a needle into the pelvic cavity through the vaginal wall 観察するために内視鏡を挿入すること: insertion of a viewing tube to examine〔~を〕 内視鏡を通して~を採取する: obtain ~ by introduction through an endoscope 伸ばしていろいろな形にする: stretch ~ into different shapes〔~を〕 小さな切開を通して~にチューブを挿入する: be insert a tube into ~ through a small incision いろいろな~: a menagerie of いろいろな 1 1. a constellation of 2. a variety of 3. a wide [great, large] variety of 4. all kinds of 5. all sorts of 6. of all kinds 7. of different kinds 8. of different sorts 9. vari通して成長していくようなタイプの人物: kind of person who would benefit from〔~を〕 気管支鏡内の通路に生検用器具を通す: pass a biopsy instrument through a channel in the bronchoscope 私がまだ10代で大人になる前、私たち……私の高校ではいろいろなタイプのファッションがたくさんあったわね。: When I was a teenager growing up, we had ... in my high school we had many different types of fashion.