reprimand [severely reprove] someone for falsifying travel vouchers
日付をごまかした文書を提出する: submit back-dated document 人の前で(人)を叱責する: reprimand someone in front of other people 他人の前で(人)を叱責する: reprimand someone in front of other people ~のことで(人)を叱責する: 1. chastise someone for 2. get up someone for 経費をごまかしたために(人)を解雇する: sack someone for fiddling his expenses (人)あての領収書を同封する: include a receipt made out to 不注意を叱責する: reprimand someone for his carelessness 恥ずべき行為を叱責する: chastise someone for his shameful behavior〔人の〕 品物の領収書を出す: receipt for the goods 料金の領収書を認める: acknowledge the receipt of a fee 偽の領収書: fictious receipt 領収書を…に提出する: submit a receipt for ~ to〔~の〕 領収書を提出する: produce a receipt for money 誰かが売上報告をごまかした: Somebody doctored the sales report. 明細を記した領収書を添付する: attach an itemized receipt