出掛ける前にガスは切っておきなさい: Turn off the gas before setting forth. 仕上げなさい。: Finish it up. 出掛ける前に: before setting forth 仕事に出掛ける前に: before heading off to work とても疲れているが、それでもこの仕事を仕上げなければならない: I am so tired, nevertheless I must finish this work. 仕事を仕上げる: 1. finish off the [one's] work 2. finish off the job 今週中にこの仕事を仕上げる: 1. finish up this job by the end of this week 2. finish up this work by the end of this week 来る前に出掛ける: get out of here before someone comes〔人が〕 仕事に出掛ける前に着替える: change before work より短い時間でもっと多くの仕事を仕上げる: get more work done in less time 論文を仕上げる前に大学をやめる: leave university [college] before they complete the dissertation 論文を仕上げる前に大学を中退する: leave university [college] before they complete the dissertation 仕事に出掛ける直前に: just before someone leaves for work〔人が〕 出掛ける前に部屋を片付ける: put one's room in order before going out 出掛ける前にあいさつをする: say bye before one goes