- measure analytical thinking
張力を測る: determine the tension of〔~の〕
視力を測る: get an eye test
論理力を測る: measure logical thinking
分析力を発揮する: employ one's analytical faculty
分析力: capacity to analyze things
言語運用能力を測る: measure what someone can do with a language〔人の〕
しっかりした分析力を持つ: possess solid analytical abilities
圧倒的に飛び抜けた分析力を持つ: possess by far the most outstanding analytical ability
分布を測る: measure a distribution of〔~の〕
容積を測る: measure the volume of〔~の〕
川幅を測る: measure the width of a river
成否を測る: measure success and failure (of)〔~の〕
技量を測る: measure someone's ability〔人の〕
揺れを測る: measure the sway of〔~の〕
標高を測る: 標高を測る ひょうこうをはかる to measure the height of (a mountain)