判定で勝つ 1: 1. defeat on points 2. win a decision 3. win on points 判定で勝つ 2 1. beat someone on points 2. gain a decision over〔人に〕
競争で勝つ〔~に〕: 【他動】 outvie
競走で勝つ〔~に〕: 【他動】 outrace
策略で勝つ〔~に〕: 【他動】 outjockey
~に1対0で勝つ: defeat ~ 1-0
~に_対_で勝つ: beat ~ __ to __
写真判定でレースに勝つ: win the race in a photo finish
pk戦で勝つ: win by a shoot-out
世界で勝つ: win at the world level
人数で勝つ: win by (force of) numbers
僅差で勝つ: 僅差で勝つ v. edge out [他]《米》(人)に僅差で勝つ, 辛勝する. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 僅差)
取引で勝つ: 【他動】 outtrump
大差で勝つ: 大差で勝つ v. outclass |他| ;win by a wide margin (選挙で)大差で勝つ (見出しへ戻る headword ? 大差)
差で勝つ: edge out〔~にわずかの〕
得点で勝つ: win with a score of〔~の〕