- feather one's (own) nest〔いかがわしい手段で〕
公共の利益を図る: 1. promote public interests 2. promote the public good 3. work for the public benefit
自分の利益を図る: 1. look after one's own interests 2. look pursue one's own interests
我が身の利益を図る: take care of number one
公益を図る: 公益を図る こうえきをはかる to labor for the public good
国益を図る: advance a national cause
会社の増益を図る: advance the interests of one's firm
利用者利益の最大化を図る: maximize the benefits of users
予防を図る: work for the prevention of〔~の〕
交流を図る: interact with〔~との〕
便を図る: 便を図る べんをはかる to provide facilities to administer to the convenience of
便利を図る: serve the convenience of〔~の〕
便宜を図る: 便宜を図る べんぎをはかる to suit the convenience of to accommodate
保身を図る: 保身を図る v. try to protect one's own interests 自分の利益を守ろうとする. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 保身)
修復を図る: provide for renovation of〔~の〕
再挙を図る: 1. give it another try 2. try to find another chance