- take the ball and run with it
前任者から引き継いでリーダーシップを発揮する: take the ball and run with it
主導権を発揮する: 1. demonstrate one's initiative 2. effect the initiative 3. exercise leadership
対して主導権を発揮する: exert control over〔~に〕
気兼ねなく主導権を発揮する: exercise one's leadership without constraint
遠慮なく主導権を発揮する: exercise one's leadership without constraint
前任者からの引き継ぎに従う: follow instructions from one's predecessor
主導権を確立する: establish ascendancy
主導権を行使する: deal the cards
…に引き継いでもらう: turn over ~ to〔~を〕
業務を引き継いでもらう: hand over one's operations to〔~に〕
ロケットビジネスで主導権を握る: take the initiative in the rocket business
団体内で主導権を握りつつあること: growing leadership in a group
正しい方法で主導権を握る: take the initiative in the right way
連邦議会の上下両院で主導権を握る: win control of both houses of Congress
個性を発揮する: 1. demonstrate one's individuality 2. develop one's personality 3. display (one's) originality 4. display one's individuality 5. exert one's individuality 6. exhibit one's originality 7. reveal a we