- be hidebound by precedent and industry practices
業界の慣行: industry practice
世界の慣行: universal law
捕われる: 捕われる とらわれる to be captured to be apprehended to be seized with
世間の慣行に従う: conform oneself to the ways of the world
時代遅れの慣行にとらわれたままである: remain committed to outdated practices
その土地の慣行によって: by local practice
形に捕らわれる: be misled by form
恐怖に捕らわれる: 1. be ridden by fears 2. be seized with fear 3. be seized with panic 4. become a prey to fear 5. fall prey to fear
感情に捕らわれる: be swayed by passion
敵に捕らわれる: 敵に捕らわれる てきにとらわれる to be caught by the enemy
迷信に捕らわれる: be fettered by superstition
郷愁に捕らわれる: be gripped by homesickness
時代遅れの慣行に固執する: remain committed to outdated practices
地方(で)の慣行: common practice in someone's neck of the woods〔人の〕
最善の慣行: best practice