- express (one's) readiness to〔~に〕
見直しについて前向きの姿勢を示す: show a positive attitude toward reviewing〔~の〕
前向きの姿勢: forward-looking stance
前向きの姿勢で: 1. in a constructive manner 2. in a constructive way
比較的前向きな姿勢を示す: demonstrate a comparatively forward-looking stance on〔~に〕
対して和解の姿勢を示す: make a conciliatory gesture to〔~に〕
姿勢を示す: let someone know one's stance〔人に主語の〕
前向きの方策を示す: show forward-looking steps
内向きの姿勢: internal focus
その問題に対して前向きの姿勢である: take a constructive position on that problem
国際社会に日本の姿勢を示す: demonstrate Japan's attitude to the international community
構造改革に取り組む自らの姿勢を示す: represent one's intention to work toward structural reform
正面向きの姿勢: full-faced pose
協調姿勢を示す 1: 1. display a cooperative attitude 2. show one's cooperative attitude 協調姿勢を示す 2 show a cooperative attitude toward〔~に〕
対する姿勢を示す: take a stand toward〔~に〕
強い姿勢を示す: voice one's strongest stand on〔~にこれまでにないほどの〕