前回の調査よりも増加を見せる: show an increase from the previous study 前回の調査より_ポイント改善する: improve __ points from the previous survey 増加を示す: 1. exhibit an increase in 2. show an increase in〔~の〕 劇的な増加を示す: show a drastic increase in〔~の〕 活動の増加を示す: show increased activity 累進的増加を示す: show progressive increase 需要の増加を示す: show an improvement in demand 前回調査より_ポイントの増: increase of __ points from the previous study 前回調査より_ポイントの減: decrease of __ points from the previous study かなりの増加を示す: show a considerable increase リスクの増加を示す: show an increased risk 比べ大幅な増加を示す: show a dramatic increase as compared with〔~に〕 特別に急激な増加を示す: take a particularly sharp jump 記録的な増加を示す: mark a record increase 際立った増加を示す: show a marked increase