- increase of more than __ over the previous year
前年より_%の増加: up __% from the previous year
前年より_ポイントの増加: increase of __% from the previous year
前年よりも_%増加する: grow by __% from the previous year
前年比_%の増加: 1. increase of __% over last year 2. up __% from the previous year
前年同期比_%の増加: rise of __% on the same period last year
対前年比_%の増加: year-on-year increase of __ percent
前年より_ポイント増: 1. increase of __ from the year before [previous year] 2. increase of __% from the previous year
前年より_%削減される: be reduced by __% from the previous year
従業員_人以上の企業: company that employs more than __ people
従業員_人以上の会社: company that employs more than __ people
雇用者_人以上の事業所: establishments with __ or more persons engaged
前年より_ポイントが増すこと: increase of __ from the year before [previous year]
前年比_%以上の急増である: surge at more than __% year on year
_%の増加: gain of __%
1日の乗降客が_人以上の駅: station used by more than __ people a day