hey , i was wondering if it was possible to get an advance on my salary . 私のお給料なんだけど 前金をもらうことは 出来ないかしら?
hey , i was wondering if it was possible to get an advance on my salary . 私のお給料なんだけど 前金をもらうことは 出来ないかしら?
金をもらう: be given money by〔~にお〕 お金をもらう: get paid 年金をもらう: 1. draw a pension 2. get a pension 賞金をもらう: receive cash awards 金をもらう人: person who is paid to〔~して〕 いい年金をもらう: get a good pension 些少の金をもらう: receive a trifle 報奨金をもらう: receive a reward from〔人から〕 奨学金をもらう 1: 1. get a scholarship 2. get a student grant 3. receive a bursary 4. receive a fellowship 奨学金をもらう 2 receive a scholarship (to)〔~へ進学するための〕 老齢年金をもらう: draw [get, receive] an old-age pension 謝礼金をもらう: receive a reward from〔人から〕 賠償金をもらう: get compensation 退職金をもらう: 1. receive a retirement allowance 2. receive dismissal allowance [compensation] 高賃金をもらう: draw high wages いい額の年金をもらう: get a good pension