- The employee concerned shall not use the loan received for other purposes other than those mentioned in the application, otherwise the debtor is to make immediate repayment.《就業規則》
助成金を申請する従業員は、返済する意思があること、companyの融資制度の規定に従うことを含め、貸付の目的を明記した申請書をcompanyに提出しなければならない: The employee concerned is obliged to submit a written application to COMPANY stating the purpose and objective of the loan including the willingness to repay the loan and comply with the terms and c
助成金を受けた従業員が退職する場合、未返済金の全額をcompanyに返済しなければならない: In the event of a termination of employee with COMPANY, the employee concerned is obliged to make full repayment of all outstanding loan to COMPANY.《就業規則》
お金を借りたら、絶対に返済しなければならない: If you borrow money, you necessarily will pay it back.
companyに対して融資などの未返済金または支払金がある場合は、ただちに返済しなければならない: He/she must settle any outstanding amounts or accounts with COMPANY including any loans.《就業規則》
退職時にcompanyに対して融資などの債務がある場合は、ただちに返済しなければならない: Upon resignation, all liabilities to COMPANY, including loan, if any, must be repaid immediately.《就業規則》
従業員は顧客に借金をしてはならない: Employees may not borrow money from clients.《就業規則》
従業員の個人記録を常に最新のものにしておくため、以下のような個人情報に変更があった場合は直ちに報告しなければならない: To keep the personnel record up to date, employee should immediately report the changes regarding their personal information.《就業規則》
ボブは働いて両親に借金を返済しなくてはならない: Bob has to work off his debt to his parents.
従業員は、顧客、営業担当者、コンサルタントなどから贈答品を受け取るときは、贈答品が贈賄目的ではないことを確認しなければならない: Employee should be careful when accepting gifts from clients, salesmen, consultants, etc. to ensure that the giving and receiving of the gift was not intended or accepted as a bride.《就業規則》
輸送する場合~しなければならない: transportable only by
流産の場合を除き、出産予定日よりも_週間前までに、休暇期間を明記した休暇申請書を提出しなければならない: A leave application form specifying the date of the intended maternity leave should be submitted to COMPANY at least __ weeks prior to the expected date of confinement except in the case of miscarri
その保険会社はもっと多額の金を決済しなければならないだろう: The insurance company will have to pony up more money.
直ちに治療しなければならない: require immediate medical attention
従業員は復職した1日目に休暇申請書を提出し、companyが病気欠勤日数を正しく記録できるようにしなければならない: Employees are required to complete a leave application form on the first day back to work to enable COMPANY to keep an orderly record of the total number of sick days the employee has taken.《就業規則》
貸付金を受ける: obtain a loan (of)〔~から〕