After he won, he exclaimed that it was all thanks to his mother.
感謝の言葉: 1. appreciative words 2. thank-you 3. thanksgiving 4. tip of the hat 5. word of gratitude 心からの感謝の言葉: 1. heartfelt expression of thanks 2. message of genuine gratitude 感謝の言葉をつぶやく: mumble one's thanks 感謝の言葉を述べる: say kind words to〔~に〕 短い感謝の言葉を述べる: thank someone in short〔人に〕 勝利を決めるホームラン: game-ending [game-winning] homer [home run] (in the bottom of the ninth) 尽力に対する心からの感謝の言葉: warmest expressions of appreciation for someone's efforts〔人の〕 気の利いた感謝の言葉を言う: say a nice words of thanks 勝利を決める投げ技を(人)に決める: flip someone decisively《柔道》 社会への感謝の念: sense of gratitude for society 励ましの言葉を叫ぶ: shout encouragement to〔人に〕 感謝の言葉もありません。: I can never thank you enough.〔礼を言う〕 彼は母親の言うことを決して聞かない: He never listens to his mother. 心から~への感謝の気持ちを表す: express one's sincere thanks and appreciation for 納める〔勝利を〕: 【他動】 score