医療をカバーするための保険料: insurance cost to cover the healthcare 私立学校の学費を賄うための奨学金: scholarship to pay for a private school education 費用を賄うための信託基金を設ける: set up a trust fund to cover the expenses 医療費を賄う: cover medical costs 保険によって医療費を賄う: cover medical costs by insurance そうした対策を賄うために発行される: be issued to cover such steps 医師が支払う医療過誤保険の保険料: medical malpractice premiums for physicians 医者が支払う医療過誤保険の保険料: medical malpractice premiums for physicians 年金の保険料: pension premium 月々の保険料: monthly premiums 財産の保険料: insurance on property 家財保険の保険料: home contents insurance premium 生産および労働コストの増加を賄うために価格を改定する: revise prices to absorb increased production and labor costs 国民年金の保険料: national pension premiums 年払いの保険料: insurance premium paid in annual installments