- carry out full-blown reform of the health-care system
抜本改革を行う: undertake a dramatic overhaul of〔~の〕
抜本的改革を行う: 1. implement fundamental changes 2. make fundamental changes
税制の抜本改革: fundamental reform of the tax system
抜本改革を望む: want drastic reforms
制度改革を行う: change the system
医療制度改革: 1. health insurance reform 2. medical service reform 3. reform of the medical-care system
抜本的な改革を行う: make fundamental reforms
高齢者医療改革を行う: change health insurance for the elderly
抜本改革: drastic reform
医療制度の先進国: pioneer in medical care policy
医療制度の改善: improvement of the medical care system
体制について抜本的な改革を行う: completely revamp a system
組織について抜本的な改革を行う: completely revamp a system
大改革を行う: make sweeping changes
改革を行う 1: 1. accomplish a reform 2. effect [carry out] a reform 改革を行う 2 accomplish [carry out, effect, make, put through] various reforms in〔~においてさまざまな〕