国民の痛みを分かち合う: share the pain felt by the people 共に痛みを分かち合う: share the pain together 改革の痛みを分かつ: share the pain of reform 医療制度改革: 1. health insurance reform 2. medical service reform 3. reform of the medical-care system 楽しみを分かち合う: share the pleasure of〔~の〕 痛みを共に分かち合う: share the pain equally 医療制度改革のための行動計画: action plan for reforming the medical system 医療制度改革の課題と視点: problems and perspectives for reform of medical-care system 関係者全員が同じ痛みを分かち合うようにする: spread out the pain equally among the parties involved 信頼を分かち合う: share a confidence with〔人と〕 利益を分かち合う: share in (the) profits 志を分かち合う: share the aspiration to〔~するという〕 恩恵を分かち合う: share in the benefits 知識を分かち合う: part one's knowledge 興奮を分かち合う: share the excitement with〔人と〕